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CHSEL (Christian Home School Enrichment Labs)....

is just what its name implies: a group of Christian, Bible-believing families who homeschool, coming together to enrich their learning at home with labs in various subjects.

  • Our mission is to encourage one another in our walks with Christ through glorifying Him in every lab we bring in and through all the interaction that comes from working together.
  • We strive to use the Bible for the direction in each topic.
  • We emphasize that Christ is the Son of God, the creator of all, and that He came in the flesh to redeem mankind from the corruption of sin that all are in because of Adam's sin, and that through His blood we can be reconciled with the Father, who is one with Christ and His Holy Spirit. There is one God, who exists in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. There is only one way for mankind to be reconciled with God and that is through choosing to place one's faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ for salvation, which is a gift given freely to all who believe.
  • These precepts will be unapologetically presented through all subjects by teachers and families who join the co-op because we believe that teaching for the sake of knowledge alone can be harmful, since without the foundations of the Wisdom which comes through knowing Christ, true understanding cannot be attained.

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While we know we cannot meet every individual preference for labs, we hope to offer some labs that meet each of our members' needs.

CHSEL wants to meet the needs of each family by offering participating families learning-labs through homeschool parents that are willing to give others the opportunity to pay a low tuition in full or monthly so that each family can choose its level of participation. For members who want to teach, they may opt to develop and provide a lab according to their terms that meets CHSEL guidelines and offer it to all the members in the organization upon approval. Since family dynamics don't allow everyone to participate at the same level, this arrangement allows each family to choose its own level of participation by teaching, helping or paying others to teach and help. 

CHSEL is a program of STEP, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. No payments to CHSEL or the independently contracted teachers are tax deductible, however donations directly to the organization that are not related to a service are tax deductible.


Therefore, Whether you eat or drink, or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God!

CHSEL will provide opportunities for members to receive helpful account credits through volunteering and fundraising. If you need assistance, please submit an assistance application. Parents may also be contracted as subs and/or assistants by the lab teachers, providing another opportunity to reduce costs. There are some voluteer positions available as well that allow parents to have some or all of their registration fees covered, further reducing cost. 

CHSEL is a network of families exchanging teaching opportunities within our membership. All members are working together to make the vision and mission of CHSEL a reality. There are member requirements and pleny of volunteer opportunities so that we can make the best of this service. Because we are a co-op, all members are required to hele with some responsibilities during each semester and are encouraged to volunteer in other capacities as well.

There are several capacities in which members may serve to help CHSEL run smoothly and to provide extracurricular social and learning activities for all students and parents involved. If you are a CHSEL member, please join a team and be a part of making CHSEL a great memory for your home school family.

Our handbook will be made available to all members. If you would like to know more about our organization before requesting membership, please email us at [email protected].


Christian Homeschool Enrichment Labs – CHSEL -  is a project of STEP (Southeast Texas Educational Partnership), a non-profit corporation.